This scratch pole is absolutely fantastic, super sturdy and very stable perfect for a big cat.
The cat tree is great, perfect height and width. Our main coon loves it!
My two Maine coon boys now has a tree that fit their needs and size. It’s super roomie and although very large, it doesn’t take up much space at all. It’s solid, sturdy, and was easy to put together by myself with easy to follow instructions. It came in three separate boxes that were all packed nicely. I did notice, however, one of the boxes were missed labeled, so the parts in that box didn’t correspond with what was on paper but it was easy to figure out. My overall experience with cat tree king has been a 10/10!! I went through a return and reorder and customer services was top tier and shipping was FAST! I literally had it in 3 days from ordering. I can see my cats loving this one for a long time. Thank you!
Heel gaaf, neemt wel heel wat ruimte in, maar de kat is er dol op. Gebruiksaanwijzing stelt niet veel voor, ik snapte ook niet hoe je hem klem kreeg tussen vloer en plafond. Eenmaal uitgevogeld heel blij mee